Monday, September 24, 2007

Week 10 - Soliloquy

Athena slept most of the way to Miami after getting on the train. She woke up when the train was about five miles away. About ten minutes later, the train had arrived at the outskirts of Miami. She waited for the air brakes to make their final jerk to a stop, she stood up and walked down the aisle of the train car and stepped out into the warm summer air. In search to find a taxi or a nearby gas station to get directions, she saw a Texaco station about half a mile down the road. While walking along the sidewalk, all she heard was cars and Latino voices fading in and out from house to house beside her along with big SUV's with plangent sounds of hip-hop resonating from inside the cars. Athena finally made it to the Texaco station in search of directions to her father's workplace. The cashier told her to go two miles north, into the industrial part of the city. That was all the cashier knew. So Athena left the Texaco station and flagged down a taxi. She told the driver to take her north to the industrial side of town. After fighting the heavy traffic, she finally made it to what looked like a construction site. The ground was all dirt with bulldozers and pickup trucks all over the place. She motioned to the taxi driver that she was at the right place. Athena looked around the site in search for an office building or some kind of temporary building where the white-collar workers hung out. While walking along side of the other workers and trying to ignore the perverted taunts and suggested after hours plans, Athena finally made it to the main outlet building of the white collar workers. She asked one of the workers where the contracting company that her father worked at was. He told her that it was on the other side of the entire construction site, and offered to give her a ride over. The worker seemed kind enough; he was one of more mature and older workers. It wasn’t until the worker actually drove around the premises of the construction site when Athena realized how big the whole site really was. The worker then arrived where the groups of contractors were discussing future plans to the new buildings. Athena got out of the truck and thanked the worker who drove her from the opposite side of the construction site. She began to feverously look around and find her father, even though it’s been years since she had seen his face. She still remembers his voice. She purposely stayed in the shadows back by the tree line on the dirt’s edge while still trying to spot out her father in the small crowds of contractors, all with orange hard-hats. Athena then turned around toward the trees after feeling her cell phone vibrate. She checked who was calling, it said ‘private’. Not thinking anything of it, she turned back around only to look straight up at her father. The killer of her mother, and a killer still out in the public. Athena stood there for about two minutes, not saying anything, but she had recognized her father’s face this time. Something told her that this man standing in front of her was who she thought he was. Her father slowly started walking toward Athena and kept walking as he pushed her back into the brush of trees about ten feet. It looked like she was just walking backwards right up next to her father as he was walking forward. The father shoved Athena back and into a tree trunk, asked her what the fuck she was doing on a construction site all the way here in Miami. She told him that she wanted to try and settle the score for the death of her mother. Athena’s father really didn’t care at all about his wife, especially after the affairs she had with his boss. Even though Athena’s father told her in the voicemail message that it was for the better that her mother was not around anymore, made Athena think all the more less of her own father. He then violently grabbed Athena’s head and bashed it against the tree truck that was right behind her. Letting out a defenseless cry, Athena was trying with all her might to grab hold of her father’s arms to control them. It was like a physical fight in a dream, what you try to grab on to just doesn’t seem to stay, it was like trying to grab and hold onto soap. Her father had her by the wrists and was dragging her down a hill of thorns and brush down toward a stream of water. He then tossed her in front of him like a bag of sand, wiped his mouth with his forearm and pulled out his hammer. Athena was so terrified now, she was too nervous to move. She had the tightening feeling in her thighs right above her knees. Of course her father didn’t care, he never did. With snot dripping from his nose and a mouth in a disgusted position, he crept up onto Athena with his hammer. Slamming it right next to her face, he leans in and tells her to forget everything that had just happened, everything from the voicemail message to her being dragged through the brush. But as he said that, he relentlessly threw his hammer back and stuck Athena’s face down into the water of the stream hoping to drown her. After about two minutes of doing this, Athena wasn’t moving. Her father came to the conclusion that her daughter, her only daughter was now dead. Her father got back up to his feet, spat to the side and turned to walk back up to the construction site after picking up his hammer. He was done. She was done. But she was only done for another five minutes. Athena was not dead but only relaxed. She was actually relieved of the fact that her actual father now thought she was dead. Because of this she was able to escape and find a new life of friends, and a future family. That was what she did. She escaped very quickly. She kept running down through the woods away from the construction site. Finally coming to a main road, Athena flagged down another taxi. As she opened the door to that taxi, a new life awaits her.

1 comment:

ohyeah619 said...

Its Megan, I dont have a facebook anymore, so im leaving you a comment on here. This is beatiful, i cant wait to find out what she is gonna do and how she lives her life, it sounds so similar to my life, just wanting to start over and act like the past never happend..that would be amazing, but i dout that will ever happen.
Keeep it up booyyy it amazing.