Monday, September 10, 2007

Week 8 - Entrained

Athena was trying to walk faster on the fresh pavement so that her shoes wouldn't stick to the tar. As for the recent voicemail message, she was starting to become desperate for someone, anyone to drive by and give her a ride far away from where she was. It was now about an hour of walking since she jumped over the guardrail and onto the road. She sat on the same guardrail to rest, with chin in hand, and elbow on leg. A cool breeze came by while Athena was trying to forget ever opening that voicemail message and also holding back tears. She was now shivering, wishing she was indoors or at least had warmer clothes on. She still had the light summer dress on from the beginning. Her semi-curly brunette hair was now in a ponytail. Still had on the big white sunglasses to block the sun, which was about as bright as a handful of starlit diamonds. It wasn't humid out, just really sunny. A few cars had actually passed on the road that Athena was on. But passing was all they did. Out in the Arizona countryside with nothing but a cell phone with hardly any service. She continues to keep walking down the road after seeing a state trooper coming up from behind her from about three-hundred yards away. Within about a couple minutes, the cop slows to the same pace as Athena's walking. All she could see was her own reflection in the cop's sunglasses. The cop kept driving after picking up normal speed again. Athena's father had done contracting work all along the southern coast of the United States for about the past year. The chances of him being around California or even Arizona was pretty unlikely since a lot of older newly retired people move to Florida looking for new homes. This was what Athena was also thinking about while she kept walking along the side of the road. Along with the possibility of actually seeing her father again. But what are the chances of that? Right now, slim to none.

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