Monday, August 20, 2007

Week 5 - Continuum

She continues to follow the sound she heard from the dog. Before she knows it, she is on a beaten down path with the grass all pressed down from other people walking on it. Slowly but surely, she starts to think about the recent flashback she had with the dogs barking at her. Trying to piece together the how and why of that flashback, along with the photo that she still had. All this confusion made her feel that she was living reflected in the spoon. She continues to walk down the grassy path trying to keep an eye on that dog. Wondering where it was taking her, she stopped to look around at where she was, the problem was, she had no idea where to go to get out and back to civilization. By now she's wondering, is it worth risking more time trying to get back to where she was, or just keep walking to find out where that dog is really going. As she stands by a tall oak tree with the sunbeams shining down across the front of her, she looks around with anticipation, before heading off farther into the woods to follow that dog to wherever it leads her. There wasn't much in the way of thorns or really steep hills, just nice slopes and valleys. The dog was about thirty to fifty feet in front of her sniffing as though it was tracing a scent. With it's tail still wagging, it started to bark at a certian tree. The girl caught up to the dog to see what it was barking at. For as strange as it sounds, the dog was barking at an old baby pacifer which was laying lodged between two big branches. It was pretty old, all brown and faded in color. The acual rubber part of the pacifer was faded to off white. She pries it out from the tree branchs to look at it more closely. At first glance it looked like any old pacifer. She then started to compare it to the photo which she had found a while ago.

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